All the information about our Staking Pools

 Staking Pool 1 contribution period starts March 2nd at 11:00 UTC. 120% APY and 60 days of duration, early rewards starts from day 30. (FULL)

Staking Pool 2 contribution period starts March 9th at 14:00 UTC. 100% APY and 60 days of duration, early rewards starts from day 30. 

All the information about our Staking Pools: 

Steps to stake your TRAVEL:

1. Go to 

2. Connect your wallet

3. Enter the amount you want to stake and press the “Stake” button.

4. Approve the amount to be used in Staking Pool 2

5. Confirm Staking

Important: For staking you have to confirm the transaction twice in Metamask/Trustwallet, the first time is an "approve" and the second time is to confirm. If you do not confirm both transactions no staking will be done.

There is no minimum, but there is a 210000 maximum per transaction.


Don’t use decimals

Stake the maximum amount on the first try, the staking pool is usually filled very quickly.

Wait for confirmation of the transaction by signing twice.

If you have done all the steps correctly, the amount you have staked will appear on the dashboard (


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