"How to build web3 communication in your protocol"🔔

 📢Heading to ETHAmsterdam? 🇳🇱

Make sure to tune in as 0xlearner from team EPNS joins the stage to talk about

"How to build web3 communication in your protocol"🔔

🗺Where: Beurs van Berlage

⏱When: 23rd April, 10AM CEST

Heard about our Hackathon? Read below😉👇 

BUIDLers!! We got a Hackathon planned for y'all with $4,000 up for winners!

Think you've got what it takes to hack the future of #Web3Comm 🔔

Well, here's some ideas to help you get started 👉https://twitter.com/epnsproject/status/1516720693336895489?t=oJJSArH-5jOGrXasqQmh2A&s=19

👥 Our Social Media Links 

Telegram (https://t.me/epnsproject) | Announcements (https://t.me/epnsprojectnews) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/epnsproject) | Website (https://epns.io/) | Medium (https://medium.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/) | LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/ethereum-push-notification-service) | EPNS dApp

 (https://app.epns.io/)Let's $PUSH for #Web3Comm🚀

#push #epns #techhelpinhindii


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